Dad’s Weiss
Dad’s Weiss is my standard every day beer that I always have on tap at home. For me this is a very easy to drink beer and refreshing on a warm summers evening.
Makes 25L
Brew House efficiency 72%
ABV: 5.3% | IBU 11
Fermentables (5kg)
2.5kg Weyermann Wheat Malt Pale (50%)
1.25kg Weyermann Munich I (25%)
1kg Weyermann Pilsner Malt (20%)
0.25kg Weyermann CaraMunich III (5%)
Hop Schedule
@60mins – 7g Mosaic (13.2%AA) 9.4IBU
@5mins – 20g Hallertauer Mittlefrueh (4.4%AA) 1.8IBU
20C for 14 days using Fermentus WB-06 (11.5g packet)
Carbonate with 7g sugar per litre.
Access the Brewfather version of the RecipeĀ here
Mash Profile:
Mash profile (for single mash temp mash at 65C for 60mins)
Stepped mash profile (as used on our Brew Buddy Micro Brewing Machines
63C 45mins
72C 30mins
76C 10mins (mash out)
Boil: Boil for 60mins
@20C (can go up to 24C for more banana type flavour)