Let’s Brew German Lager 20L


SKU: LAGER20L Category:


Our German Lager has has distinct German flavours. Flavours are complex and robust. Very easy to drink and enjoyable. Will require lagering and fermentation at 12 to 15C Will be in it prime around 1 to 3 months.

Batch size: 20L

What is included:

Various base malts

Various specialty malts

Hop additions


You will require:

A large pot or urn (ideally able to hold 26L of liquid)

A grain bag or mash tan

A 25L or larger fermentation vessel

32L of water

120g Granulated or carbonation sugar

50cm long plastic or stainless steel spoon

Glass bottles and crown corks (needed when bottling in about 10  to 14 days)

4 to 5 hours to brew


Additional information

Weight 5 kg
Dimensions .25 × .25 × .15 m


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